Revolutionising how to obtain ingredients from plants

Our Technology at Green Bioactives
Discover the power of Plant Cell Culture as our CEO, David McElroy, explains how this innovative technology produces plant natural products in a highly sustainably way. Learn what makes it unique, the industries it’s transforming and why it’s a greener alternative to traditional harvesting methods. Watch the video to explore its potential.
Plant Cell Culture Technology
Our Plant Cell Culture Technology has enabled us to revolutionise the way that plant derived ingredients are produced, using sustainable methods of cultivation without the need to destroy trees and habitats. This means we can naturally and sustainably produce ingredients that may otherwise be challenging to obtain at the required volume.
Plant cell culture has been proven to:
Increase yields of target bioactive molecules (10x – 50x)
Increase concentration and purity of target bioactive molecules
Be sourced sustainably from nature
Plant vascular stem cells (VSCs)
Plant vascular stem cells (VSCs) can adapt into functionally and structurally distinct primary plant tissues. Using our expertise to create the right environment, plant vascular stem cells can be cultured to produce target bioactive molecules which are found naturally in whole plants.

Cultivating plant
With Green Bioactives Plant Cell Culture Technology, we dissect target plant primary vascular stems cells from leaf materials in whole plants known to produce the target natural product.
The dissected cells are grown on solid media, with the appropriate nutrients and growth hormones to induce their proliferation away from their host plant.
The proliferated cells are then transferred to, and cultured in, liquid media for further proliferation and associated scale up.
Unlike dedifferentiated cells, VSCs are not sensitive to mechanical shear stresses in liquid culture, such as shaking and stirring. These stresses risk compromising the oxygen/nutrient circulation and effect dedifferentiated cell growth and yield. VSCs have multiple, very small vacuoles and as such this cryopreservation effect is minimal, allowing storage at a low temperature.’
Our sustainable process
Target plant cell isolation
Cell culture and elicitation
Selection +/- bioengineering
Scale-up +/- GMP
Bio-manufacturing +/- regulatory

Download our White Paper

FAQs: Technology
For further information or to speak with one of the team, please get in touch.
Plant Cell Culture is a biotechnology process that allows plant cells to grow and multiply in a controlled environment.
Plant Cell Culture is an entirely natural process. It starts with the isolation of natural plant molecules and places them in an environment in which they can grow and multiply.
Plant Cell Culture Technology has helped to revolutionise the way that ingredients are produced, using sustainable methods of cultivation without the need to remove trees and habitats.
Our team can work with you to develop a cell line from any molecule derived from plants. Get in touch to discover how we can support you with product development.

We are passionate about making a positive impact on the world by developing sustainable plant-based products using our innovative biomanufacturing platforms.
How we can help you

Our products are developed from natural cells and harvested without destroying trees and habitats.

Our Plant Cell Culture Technology offers a sustainable option for ingredient production.

Ingredients produced through plant cell culture have a consistent specification profile and predictable yield.